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Being up to date on the Welsh, English and Scottish curriculums is highly important to us.

We do this by keeping informed on the standards and requirements set out by frameworks including Estyn, Ofsted and the Curriculum for Excellence.

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Curriculum in Wales

We aim to focus on three of the five Inspection Areas (IAs) of Estyn's framework.


  • IA 1: Standards

  • IA 2: Wellbeing and attitudes to learning

  • IA 3: Teaching and learning experiences

  • IA 4: Care, support and guidance

  • IA 5: Leadership and management

We aim to support Graham Donaldson’s four main purposes for the curriculum. To have all children and young people be:


1. Ethical informed citizens

2. Ambitious capable learners

3. Enterprising, creative contributors

4. Healthy, confident individuals


Curriculum in England

We aim to support Ofsted's framework.

“Good mental health is the foundation to young people achieving their aspirations. There have been changes to the Ofsted common inspection framework, and these are centered on emotional wellbeing. The new Ofsted framework recognises that it is important to continue to support individual students with specific behavioural and mental health needs but there is also a need to create a culture that fosters emotional wellbeing and resilience within the school.'' - Innovating Minds

We aim to support Ofsted's guidelines.

  • In order for schools to gain good status pupils must ‘enjoy learning about how to stay healthy and about emotional and mental health, safe and positive relationships’.

  • To be outstanding schools must enable students to be able to ‘make informed choices about healthy eating, fitness and their emotional and mental wellbeing’.

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Curriculum in Scotland

We aim to support Education Scotland, Health and Wellbeing`s experiences and outcomes by helping pupils to:


  • Develop self-awareness, self-worth and respect for others

  • Meet challenges, manage change and build relationships

  • Experience personal achievement and build resilience and confidence

  • Understand and develop spiritual wellbeing and social skills

  • Reflect on strengths and skills that help to make informed choices

  • Acknowledge and celebrate diversity

We aim to support Education Scotland to enable pupils to:


`Establish a pattern of health and wellbeing which will be sustained into adult life and which will help to promote the health and wellbeing of the next generation of Scottish children.` -Curriculum for Excellence

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